Friday, July 16, 2010 Review FREE PASSTHROUGH

So I was browsing on the ECF and stumbled upon a topic where a supplier that I had never ordered from stated that the first 5 people who completed this sentence -Reason #10 why vaping is better then smoking- (Or something to that effect)He would send a FREE passthrough! All he wants is some feedback on how it works for them. I figured what the hell, and did it. I hunted down the answer from his website, and a few days later, VIOLA! I now have a KILLER passthrough that was absolutely free!!
I can't stress this enough. Things like this make me want to support his business. Maybe because I work for myself, and I am always trying to think of new ways to get people to buy from ME when there are so many others out there who sell things online, and When I see that others are making an effort to do the same I want to let them know that it works. Any way, Here's the review.

(Picture taken before use to preserve prettiness)

Two words. Holy shit. This thing vapes like a dream. Its a 510 Manual direct passthrough. I know many people are weary of passthroughs, because those of us who have been doing this for over a year jumped on the wagon and purchased the original passthrough. The shitty one with the little battery box, and the weak wires that snapped and the thing was $20+ and maybe lasted a week.
This is a whole new ball game people.
There is no battery box. The wire is THICK. Not thick to the point that its weird, but nice and sturdy. :) I love it. GREAT PRODUCT!!! Insane amounts of vapor :) It just feels like a quality piece of hardware, And Whats better then free? Nothing. Well... Maybe free cookies... ;)
I will definetly be buying quite a few of these. I love stocking up on things that I love, And we all know how I love to buy things for people. 510 Passthrough - Best gift ever.

HUGE thanks to TIM at Check him out, Support his business!!

Oh! P.s

link to the topic where I found the free passthrough: HERE


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